Monday, October 20, 2008

Sketches and Notes Continued: After Effects, Wine Design and Rubbish

After Effects
These are notes from Edgar's lecture on after effects. It may be somewhat disorganized, but I wrote down pretty much every step in as much detail as I had time to write. I've inverted the color for better legibility. Hope this helps some of you who are already jumping into the AE project.




Wine Re-Design: La Crema is the wine of choice for the moment being (See post below for images of La Crema and other Russian Valley Wines). However, still checking possibilities so this could change at any moment.

...and the rest is just plain Rubbish. Having mucho fun with my new Japanese Pentel brush I should be, considering it cost me $16! It's really a great pen, apparently popular with comic/cartoon artists. Below is an image of the pen with an article from's "Cool Tools" Archive ( If you enjoy drawing experimentation, it is a must-have! The girl at Binder's let me play around with her's (The pen comes in a package at the store, so you can't test it out). She's the dirty-blondish girl who drives the crazily painted van that's always outside, if you're interested...

....from's "Cool Tools" Archive (

"Leave it to the Japanese to create a brush pen. This pocketable pen has a super fine brush tip of actual bristles, perfect for tiny Kanji characters, or of course, doodling in your journal, or sketching in your Moleskine. While it's hugely popular with comic book folks and cartoonists, artists of all stripes have picked one up for their paper work. The feel is incredibly tactile and lovely. It works like a fountain pen, with replaceable rich ink cartridges. Once capped it doesn't leak as far as I can tell. (There's a moment of panic when you first assemble it since the instructions are 100% in Japanese, but just insert the ball-bearing end of the ink capsule into the tip.) You can purchase other color inks as well."

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