Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Calendar Draft 1

It's late so I'm going to be short...Doing my calendar on old toys/games like Slinky, Lincoln Logs, Rubik's Cube, Simon Says, etc, etc. It is going to be an accordian style calendar which, on one side, displays all of these toys in chronological order from when they arrived on the market throughout the twentieth century. On this image side, the entire span of the accordian fold will appear as a shelf, with each page containing one of the items with a hint to the next page (for example, the Mr. Potatohead shown below might be holding a 'barrel of monkeys' monkey from the hand he waves with which would drape down to the next page containing all the other monkeys, and the monkeys might be heading into a Lincoln Log Cabin or climbing a Jenga stack on the edge of their page...or perhaps holding onto one end of the slinky, stretching it back with all of their might to destroy a band of GI Joes or PlayMobile communities on the next page...Anyway, I think you get the point, when you stretch the accordian fold out to it's full flat length, it's pretty much going to be a long panoramic view of a shelf containing all of these old games/toys which interact with each other in a chronological line of typographic madness. On the flip side will be the calendar part which contains historical/biographical information on each item as well as the typeface used to construct the particular image. The typefaces used will also be old, historical typefaces used in sequence of chronological order in regards to their date of creation.

Creative brief in a nutshell: This composition/calendar will stand to show how typefaces have influenced and interacted with other typefaces throughout the continuous evolution of typography while providing a nostalgic, recognizable, fun composition of vintage toys which mirror this evolutionary process.

This is my rough, rough, rough draft for Mr.PotatoHead...much of it is just outlines I created as guidelines for the composition. Below it is the photograph I took of my very own Potatoman from my childhood. He's not quite dead and feeling better :)

Damn, so much for being short...

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