Sunday, September 14, 2008

Illustrative Alphabet

This Image shows my process for arranging playing cards in order to create letter-forms.

Here's a little taste of one of my projects... I think the process is self-explanatory through the diagramatic picture I've posted. Buuuut, If you don't get it, here is how I'm constructing this particular alphabet:

1. Pick a handfull of cards @ random and arrange the cards to create a recognizable letter-form,
2. Photograph the pile that comes about
3. Put photograph into photoshop
4. Crop out letterforms and make necessary adjustments (such as deleting card borders and content such as numbers that were very distracting to my letterforms)

I tried leaving the cards as they are shown in step 2 of the image I posted, but it made me dizzy trying to look at them all at once, so I abstracted and simplified the letterforms down to just the diamonds, clubs, spades and hearts. I wouldn't have expected the letterforms from a paper playing-card to come out looking quite digital, but I really think they do-especially when you zoom out and look at them.

This particular alphabet, which I think I have developed an interesting process for constructing, hasn't been overly exciting for me-thus, I have some other one's in the works which I will keep a secret for now....To be continued...

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