Monday, November 3, 2008

Wine Logo

So I've been doing some sketches of the minimalist sort for my wine logo, thought it might be interesting to use counters of the type to create a window pattern for the Black Tower. I thought that I could relate the type to the structure of a German tower as opposed to using midieval-style type which would refer to the structure's history...thus, I could modernize the design to stick out amongst the European wines in the store which surround it, most of which carry more traditional styles of old type and muted, off-white colors.

For the packaging, I want to create an actual tower which the wine bottle fits into, perhaps with window cut-outs to match the window design on the bottle. Cylindrical in structure, the top part (similar to the top edge of my logo) would pull off.

Here's a rough, rough draft of what I've got so far as digital goes.
The second image just points out the windows I'm talking about in case you couldn't tell right off the bat.

1 comment:

Nathan Linkous said...

looks good man, I really like the white on black!